Showing posts with label Harvard Boston Children's Hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harvard Boston Children's Hospital. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Day 54 In Boston - Decompressing

India and I took the time today to just "chill".  Being a Saturday, not many people at Boston Children's.

After our outing, India had Lobster Bisque with extra hot sauce. Great end to a nice day.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 54 In Boston - We are headed home hopefully soon...

Yesterday was very long. We had a "team" meeting to outline what India needs.

The general consensus is to get India back home ASAP.  She is asking for her sisters and brother - Marion, Nikki and Abbie. And needless to say, her boyfriend Daniel.

The thought is if she can have more moral support, her spirits will improve and her body will follow.

We will come home soon if all goes well. It's going to be an intense process as India is very weak and requires a lot of assistance; way more than normal.

We are returning on a "Med-Flight" because of India's condition. There is no way she could do a commercial flight. India can't grasp the concept of a private flight yet. I've told her we are going to party like rock stars - watch Willy Wonka and eat Ice-Cream.

Once we get home, India will need enormous amounts of attention and TLC. It's not going to be easy. 

It's my plan to have India make an unnounced visit to school for an hour or so not long after we return; once she is strong enough.  India giggles when we talk about her surprise school visit. And of course she starts talking about her boyfriend Daniel and how she is going to marry him; she is in love.

India also had a series of new x-rays yesterday. Her hips are looking good, India's back however is a different story.

The x-rays were very hard to look at. India's spine is terribly twisted and getting worse. She is +/- 3% points from her scoliosis becoming a danger to her heart and lungs.

No set timeframe on how long until India has to return to Harvard Boston Children's to have rods placed along her spine. But it's safe to say the time will come quicker than anybody would like. It's going to be another intense surgery that is critical for my child and one I dread.

I told the doctor that we needed to buy as much time as possible so India could recover, become stronger, be a teenager and enjoy life; the doctor agreed.

I am however worried sick that when we return home, the "Dementor" will again refuse to use India's Orthotics and/or medications as she has done in the past. India can't afford anymore narcissistic shennagins with complete disregard for the children.

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    secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 47 In Boston - Spa Day

India was treated to a "spa day" by the amazing Theresa. This incredible woman has shown a level if dedication that has made all the difference in the world for my child (and me).

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 44 In Boston - She Pulled Out The Feeding Tube

So on day 44, about 1:30 am in the morning, India pulled out her NG Tube (Nasogastric intubation is a medical process involving the insertion of a plastic tube through the nose, past the throat, and down into the stomach.).

A few hours earlier, after the NG Tube was placed and India was ok, I left the hospital for a nap and shower. I was horribly sick and the break was much needed. 

When I returned, India was sleeping soundly. I settled into the "blue chair" next to her bed and tried to get some more rest. About 20 minutes later, a warning "beep" from one of her bedside machines sounded. The nurse came in, turnded the "bep" off and told me that India had pulled out the NG Tube; I had no idea it had even happened. 

This feeding tube had just been placed only hours before. As soon as it was inserted and nutrition flowing into her tummy, India was herself again; smiling.

I was told the "Resident" Physician wanted to wait and see how she was doing without the NG Tube that was inserted only hours before; I went numb.

The Resident Physician on the night shift had apparently made some assumptions and decided to see if it was time for India to come off her NG Tube.  I asked to talk to this Resident.

When the Resident Physician arrived I was told that India didn't want the NG Tube in anymore. My response was that she didn't want to eat oraly either - so which should we alow her to chose.

The Resident then said that that I shold consider a "G Tube" (Gastronomy Tube [also called a G-tube] is a tube inserted through the abdomen that delivers nutrition directly to the stomach. It's an hour surgery.); another surgery that we've worked for 15 years to avoid.

I was upset and panicked beyond words. India is having a difficult time recovering "as is" and another surgery was suggested...

So the next day, India's doctor came to check up her and he gave the order for her to get back on the NG Tube right away.  This was done and went well.  But we had to restain India's arm with a brace so she couldn't reach her nose and pull out the NG Tube again.  

This really upset her.  Imagine only having the use of one arm and all of a sudden it's placed in a device rendering it useless and stiff.  My poor daughter was pleading with me "help me daddy, please" while she cried and twisted in pure frustration; trying to free her arm.

India and I were up almost all night.  I tried to distract her as the NG Tube gave India the nurishment she needed, but I think at in part my child felt as if she'd lost the use of her one limb that worked. I can't imagine the despair she felt.

This photo is just before India went on the NG Tube.  She became so weak that she was a limp as a noodle from lack of nutrition.

Not long after the NG Tube was placed.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 43 In Boston - Feeding Tube

India just wouldn't eat for the past few days. So today the decision was made to put her on a feeding tube.

The placement went well, no X-rays were needed and she didn't experience any discomfort.

India had her 3 BEST (human & non clown) friends who work at Boston Children's Hospital at her side as always; NANCY, Lauren and Theresa.

I'm forever in the debt of these amazing and dedicated women. But my "chapter" about them must age like "fine wine". Or I at least need to add some fancier words with a Bostonian "accent" to pay them the respect they deserve. 

India is comfortable right now, watching Marry Poppins and looking at photos on her iPad.

And as you can see on the top photo. India is still wearing her pearls sent to her by Dorothy Vau Armijo McCoy; India LOVES them.

It's been a really rough road, much harder than I expected.  I hope India is back at school with her boyfriend and friends soon.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 30 In Boston - Post Surgery - A Song Brought Her To Tears

Yesterday, two beautiful friends of my Buddhist Nun sister "Kelsang Dechok" who are complete strangers to India and I drove to Boston from Rhode Island. Angela and Jason came to meet India to give us some emotional support.

Well... they brought good will, a guitar and bracelet making material; the result was amazing.

Long story short, after a beautiful charm bracelet was made with the help of Angela and shortly thereafter being proudly worn by India (to this moment) - Jason sang songs.

I've never seen my child react the way she did today. 

India wept happy tears, smile on her face, as her cheeks regained color for the first time in weeks. I kneeled on the floor watching as my bed ridden daughter moved her head back and forth to the rhythm of Jason's touching tunes.

Angela and Jason took my India from her undeserved hospital bed today to a truly beautiful place in her mind; she was given the gift of respite. All of us who watched were deeply moved.

India has been confined 22 days to her mechanical bed with attached devices that flash and make various "beeps"; day in and day out.

India is awoken every hour by strangers who put fluids and pills in her mouth and arms.  The result is my daughter's spirit and personality being reduced to nothing more than blank stares and exhaustion at times.

However, today India again was blessed with something beautiful and at the hands of stangers.

And right now, she is in a rare and much needed deep sleep.


P.S: If you look at the lower photo, you'll see my "Baby Girl" is crying.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 24 In Boston - Post Surgery - A Humble Request

The past days have been bad for India and myself. She is having a lot of pain and our stay has been extended for a considerable time here in Boston.

I'm wanting my wife and children to come be with us because I believe it will be a huge boost for India's spirits if her siblings are running around her hospital room making a bunch of noise; bringing smiles to India's face.

India has been in the same hospital room for over 2 weeks and now will most likely double that; not including rehab.

India and Nikki

India and Marion

India and Abbie

India and Vikki

If anybody has any extra frequent flyer miles, I'd be grateful beyond words.

I'm humbled to make such a request but - here I am.

Thank you for your consideration.

Day 24 In Boston - Post Surgery - "2nd Attempt Off Of Traction"

India and I started the day hopeful again despite the unthinkable just hours before.  We wake up each morning with hope despite a darkness most can't fathom that follows us like a shadow.  

I know this sounds incomprehensible, but "by the grace of God", most never experience what India and I do. 

Imagine holding your child's head pressed against yours as you sing, hum, or talk about beautiful times as you're trying to give comfort to your "baby" while your child screams in pain; shaking.

All the while, the tears of your child mixes with yours; burning your eyelids. 

Then your child's saliva begins to drip into your mouth from their frantic screams and you can taste their fear and pain in a way most never do.

Think about having to feel your child's sweat from the pain that is so intense that it saturates the clothing and bedding; being mistaken for urine by the nurses and doctors.

What about holding your child as she or he trembles and begs for help as the nurses and doctors are calling a "stat" because of a critical situation; with "your" child. Feeling the panic and fear while your child looks into your eyes asking for help over and over.

This has been our life before and has now been for the past two days.

This is our day today and many days before and nobody deserves this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Day 24 In Boston - Post Surgery - "1st Attempt To Remove Traction"

Two weeks ago yesterday, Monday January 27th, 2014 - India had her hip/femur surgery at Harvard Boston Children's Hospital.

Yesterday morning, we took India off of her traction. Everything went well. India was making jokes with the nurses and talking nonstop about marrying Daniel.

A few hours later, I went to get India lunch. Just as I was getting back to the hospital a nurse calls me and says "not an emergency but that I should get back ASAP".

The minute I entered the room, India started sobbing and grabbed onto me asking for help; she was in a lot of pain. I tried to sooth her every way I could think of, including handing India a photo of her boyfriend "Daniel".  She put his picture against her lips, kissed it and then started crying again.

The nurses gave India pain meds. When that didn't work, they called a "stat" with the Orthopedic team. The Orthopedic team quickly put India back in traction and her pain eventually stopped. 

The doctor said they need to keep India in traction for another week.

India went to bed holding Daniels photo.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 22 In Boston - The Day Started Good But Ended With Some Pain

India was a happy camper today until about 5:00; when the pain kicked in.

I'm grabbing India some good dinner, will get her super cozy and we will watch "Mamma Mia" for the 5th time today.

Tomorrow is going to be a rough and painful day. The doctors are going to try to remove her traction.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes smoothly.

We are grateful for any donations.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Day 20 In Boston - Bring On The Clowns!

So India and I were just finishing up her lunch when we had some unexpected guests; CLOWNS!

My little girl went nutz and laughed harder than I've seen her laugh in a long time....

Harvard Boston Children's Hospital is a great place.

The visit with the clowns was beautiful and made my little girl very sleepy.

We are grateful for any assistance.