Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 59 - UNM Hospital, The Pain Broke Through Again

Not long after India fell asleep tonight, she began to have discomfort. This isn't unusual and one of the reasons I stay with her at night. What usually happens is that she'll wake up, ask me to stretch her legs, put on and off her Buxton Traction and re-position her. Anyone of these things will take place about every hour of the night. This usually manages her pain pretty well.

However, yesterday and this evening I noticed that she was having more pain than usual. And about 45 minutes ago, her pain broke through unlike anything I've seen in a long time; all in a matter of seconds. I again found myself calling for nurses as India screamed from the hurt while I tried to comfort her. 

After the pain was somewhat under control, India asked me to lie down and snuggle with her. I did this until she fell asleep. I'm sitting next to India now, my ears are ringing from her screaming. I'm praying there won't be more hurt, that she can sleep, that soon she won't remember what it's like to live like this. 

And while I'm sitting next to her right now, I'm listening to India make an occasional groan in her sleep from the pain that's still lingering in her fragile body.

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